Dear soon to be 16 year old,

Harshitha A.V.L
3 min readNov 3, 2021


Going to be 16 in a few days right? You kept seeing all these films, articles, and the phrase sweet 16, but by this time you must have understood it is actually the opposite of sweet. You had all these dreams for this age and nothing seems to work out and thinking of giving up? but let me tell you, sweetheart, life has just started…

By this time, layer by layer many aspects of your life would have been thrashed and broken into pieces…but the good thing? at least you do not know it is broken at this age….you will realize about all this in your late teens or early twenties…

I know you keep seeing everyone of your age looking beautiful and feel insecure with yourself, don’t worry, you are going to feel the same in your twenties too (or maybe your whole life)😆. Basically, if you think as you get older, you would feel different? naah…life is going to suck even then, the difference is you would have a different set of problems that’s it…

You have been winning everything till now right? you are in for a treat, you are going to fail at so many things, so many things that finally you will start laughing at your own failures. (I know you are a very sore loser and will be pretty mad, have sleepless nights, and will cry for days, but eventually you will learn to laugh at them as well)

You will think you need to do something to show everyone, prove them they are wrong, prove them you are better, and maybe you will….but even then it will not satisfy your soul, you will still feel not satisfied due to your own expectations on yourself

Now onto the best part, people…you start out with a good heart, trying to help everyone, putting others first, but let me tell you, from now on you are going to get screwed in ways you can’t even imagine 😆. Still, you try to trust people, but again get broken multiple times that one day you say screw it and start building your walls so high that no one can come near you. Very rare times, you might meet a genuine person whom you think is good or you chose to trust, temporarily lower your walls, but your defense mechanism kicks in so fast, that you yourself push them away.

The reason I am telling you all this (and maybe scaring you?), is just to tell you, no matter what, life always has its issues. Everyone is screwed in their own way…you might think achieving something might solve your issues 😆, but nooo, it won’t, irrespective of you getting them or not, you are still going to be screwed up for life, not just you…everyone of this generation is.

Soo, enjoy the present little person, it is never a life and death situation like people make it. Because ultimately, the person who achieves or one who doesn't, both of them are equally screwed in their own ways. Enjoy the small moments in life because even in the darkest moments, you will have the most beautiful small moments.


Your 20 something self.



Harshitha A.V.L

I like writing about life and challenging my perceptions. Coder by day, writer by night