
Harshitha A.V.L
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2023


High and low went across the sand the waves of water

Golden sunlight hitting the deep blue water signaled one thing

Now people would come to me, thought the water

People would come, rejoice in its highs and step away in its lows

People rejoicing was all that mattered, is what it said to itself

Golden sunlight slowly turned into pitch black and with that came emptiness

The waves still continued, but now for a different reason

Why are the waves still continuing now, asked a turtle looking at the empty beach

Days are for people and nights are my inner turbulence, replied water

Why do you generate waves in the first place?, asked the turtle

If I don’t, I’ll be alone, and when I’m alone, I have to, replied the blue water

Sometimes a pause can give us the answers we are searching for, said the turtle and left

Would people come to me if I’m still, thought the water

But the pain of darkness overpowered the joy of golden light

The next day came with bright golden sunlight hitting the water

There was no high and no low, only stillness with great difficulty

I hope people come to me, thought the water

People saw and left, never dipping their toes in water

After all, the water wasn’t providing joy today

And slowly with the darkness, came the inner turbulence

The stillness of the day transformed to higher waves than normal of the night

I didn’t find my answers and people didn’t come!, Stillness doesn’t work, told the water to the turtle

Smiling, the turtle said, It is easier to stay in turbulence and ignore rather than find true answers in stillness

Desperate for answers, the water continued its stillness

Over days, the beach was empty, but not the water’s inner turbulence

Some days were good, some days were worse

The water missed people, but now there was something else that the stillness brought

Generated from the waves over days, the white foam, slowly started to disappear

For the first time, the water saw how beautiful it was from inside

Filled with rubies, ancient rocks, jelly fish and golden sand, it found a world inside

‘I never knew all this was inside me’, thought the water

Spending it’s time exploring inner world, a day came when it didn’t miss people

Slowly, the stillness was not a burden anymore

Now there was something different about water

There was stillness, along with waves

Why the waves now, asked the turtle

For the first time, the water said, It’s for myself

The water happily made waves and happily became still when it wanted

After all, it was doing all this for itself

High went the waves, low went the waves, sometimes silent became the waves

The water enjoyed seeing outside as well as inside

There were people who missed waves, there were people who missed water

Came along the people, who missed water

Today they saw a different view of the water

For the first time, the water was enjoying being alone

They went in, dipped their toes in the still water

Today they saw the beauty that the still water had to offer

From stones, to golden sand to light, they never saw this

Today they sat with the stillness of water and truly understood it

Few people finally accepted me for who I am! , said the water to the turtle

And all it took was a moment of stillness, said the turtle and left

Over days, the water enjoyed being alone and being with these few

They would enjoy together in waves and in stillness

Finally a day came, where pitch black didn’t mean pain, but pure joy

A day where being still and being alone brought joy

A day where it finally accepted itself for who it was

Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash



Harshitha A.V.L

I like writing about life and challenging my perceptions. Coder by day, writer by night